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Grounding and Earthing

Grounding and earthing isn’t something new, its something we have become disconnected from in the last 60 years of history. Barefoot living has deep roots in human history, reflecting our ancestors natural way of life. For most of human existence, people walked barefoot or used minimal footwear made from natural materials like animal hides or plant fibers. This close connection to the Earth provided numerous benefits, such as improved balance, stronger feet, and direct contact with the ground's natural energy, which many cultures believed had healing properties.

In ancient societies, being barefoot was common in everyday life, particularly in warm climates. For example, in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, people often went without shoes, especially within their homes or in religious practices. In many indigenous cultures around the world, barefoot living is still practiced today, both for practical reasons and as part of spiritual traditions that emphasize the connection to the Earth.

In the 1960s we invented synthetic rubber, and without any trials or scientific considerations as to the impact, it was placed on the soles of every shoe. Preventing the conductivity greatly needed for us to discharge negative energy and reduce the bodies oxidative stress (inflammation)

Science now shows us that connecting the body directly to the Earth’s natural energy by being

barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, or using grounding devices you will instantly help balance the body's electrical charge, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being. The Earth's surface carries a negative charge, and when the body makes contact, it neutralises free radicals, reducing oxidative stress. Additionally, grounding can lower cortisol levels, leading to reduced stress and anxiety.

By restoring the body's natural electrical state, grounding promotes better cardiovascular health, reduces pain, and supports overall energy levels.

It sounds to good to be true because its free and accessible? Its so easy?

Think of it like the sun. We can all relate to feeling better when we sit and let the sun onto our face. The same is said for grounding. When we sit with bare feet in the ground, we reset our whole body system and discharge what the body no longer needs.

TCB face to face therapy sessions , based in South Wales, have a strong focus on the science of earthing and grounding and the benefits of implementing it into your own daily practice.

Some sessions can take place on a woodland walk and talk, with bare foot grounding completed before, during or after.

If you want to give it a go, join the TCB membership to access free resources on how to get started, monitoring the impact on your physical and mental well being and a free audio to guide you into a relaxed state of mind so you don’t wander into stress thinking while grounding.

CPD sessions on grounding are also available if you wish to get in touch, please join the membership for discount training codes.

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